Farscape first aired on Australian television in early June 2000 on the Nine Network at 8:30pm on Saturdays. Only six episodes were originally aired before Nine pulled the show advising viewers that the show would return "later in the year". Outraged at such treatment, Australian fans of Farscape (Scapers) have been making an outcry. In response to this outcry I have set up this club for all Australian Scapers whether they be like the Sad Geezer's classification of me a "Manic Academic Farscape Fanatic" (ie. a full-blown Scapaholic); or simply "enjoy the show".
While I have visions of this club becoming more than just this web-presence - we must all start somewhere. This site was launched on 10 August 2000 and aims to provide all Scapers, in particular the Australian variety, a place to discuss Farscape in any shape or form either through message board or chats, or if you prefer, by email list. It is also a place where you can find and swap images and more from Farscape. Hopefully, you will feel encouraged to share your own fan-fiction or fan-art with others. This club offers its members a free club email address (eg natwitt@farscapeaustralia.every1.net). I hope you take advantage of this offer and join the club.
If there is something which you would like to see on this site just let me know and I'll see what I can do.
Natwitt : webmistress
(Remember Misty 1985-2000)