Farscape Australia: the first club for Australian Scapers, Submitting Game Instructions

Game Submission Instructions

So you want to submit your own game, well here's how you go about it -

Email the games to The Admiral. In the email include:

Once I receive your games I'll convert them to the necessary format needed to work with the javascript code (if needed) and then post it to the games area of the club - citing you as the author/compiler of the game.



  1. Decide whether your quiz will be easy, medium, or difficult
  2. There should be more than 5 questions
  3. Quizes should be muliple choice and of the form:
  4. Indicate which is the correct answer
  1. Make sure your crossword works - i.e. all words in proper places and make sense etc.
  2. Submit clues and their answers in the form
  3. Send the crossword as text in the form


    Where "-" is an empty space, "1ac" is 1 ACROSS and the word starts with c, "2ds" is 2 DOWN and word starts with s. If a clue starts both an ACROSS and a DOWN clue, show this by using a 'b' instead of 'a' or 'd'

  1. Decide whether your tiles game will be easy, medium, or difficult
  2. Find an image you'd like to use and divide it into smaller images - if you don't know what I mean just have a look at how the Crichton tiles game is set up.
  3. Indicate the size of the final image - i.e. the final image is 3 smaller images wide and 3 smaller images tall
  1. Decide whether your memory game will be easy, medium, or difficult
  2. Find an image you'd like to use as the underlying image and divide it into smaller images each of size 50x38 pixels
  3. Number the images starting from 1 e.g. zhaan01.jpg, zhaan02.jpg,...